Privacy Notice

Collection of Personal Data

In the course of your dealings with IOI City Mall Sdn Bhd [200801016058 (817348-V)], we will request that you provide data and information about yourself (“Personal Data”) to enable us to enter into commercial transaction with you or to deliver the necessary notices, services and/or products in connection with our business. These are relevant in connection with our business process, execution, including delivery of notices, services and/or products, client relationship management, planning purposes in connection with future products, new product launches and events including promotional events with business partners.

Personal Data

Such Personal Data may be subject to applicable data protection, privacy and other similar laws and may include but not limited to information concerning your name, contact information, e-mail address, postal addresses, address, telephone or fax number, where permitted by applicable law.

Purpose of Collection of Personal Data

The Personal Data will be collected, processed and used by us for the following purposes:

  • the delivery of notices, services or products and the marketing of such services or products whether present or future, to you;
  • in order for you to enter into the necessary agreement and/or contract to purchase the products and/or services from us;
  • the maintenance and upkeep of customer records and development;
  • those purposes specifically provided for in any particular service or product offered by us or our partners;
  • marketing and client profiling activities regarding our latest products and/or services;
  • preparation and execution of all necessary documents and agreements and/or contracts for our products and/or services with you;
  • credit assessments, financial and background investigation as and when deemed necessary;
  • our internal record keeping;
  • prevention of crime (including but not limited to fraud and money-laundering);
  • meeting any legal or regulatory requirements relating to our provision of services and products and to make disclosure under the requirements of any applicable law, regulation, direction, court order, by-law, guideline, circular, code applicable to us or any member companies of our Group;
  • enable us to send you information by e-mail, regular postal mail, telecommunication means (telephone calls, SMS messages or social chat applications) or internet social media about products and services offered by selected third parties that we think may interest you but doing so we maintain control over your Personal Data and we will not disclose your Personal Data to any third parties without your prior written consent;
  • any subsequent commercial transactions in relation to any products and/or services;

Source of Personal Data

The Personal Data will be collected, processed and used by us are sourced from wholly legitimate and transparent means such as:

  • agreements and contracts for sale and purchase of our products or for our services;
  • official registration forms (either electronic or printed) for new launches or product showcases, exhibitions or any other promotional events;
  • official request for Information forms that are provided to you by our employees or agents;
  • any emails or any correspondences that we have received from you requesting for information or making any inquiries;
    any forms that you have submitted on our website or any websites contracted by us;
  • any referrals from a person which have included their verifiable personal contact details;
  • Business cards that were dropped or given to our employees, agents, brokers or associates; or
  • any documents (including but not limited to statutory forms and returns) that were submitted to us for processing.

At no time will any Personal Data be purchased by us or in any way commercially acquired through the purchase or trading of illegitimate and illegal Personal Data databases or lists.

Rights of Access and Correction

You have the right to request access to and if required, correction of your Personal Data in our records. You have the right to:

  • request access to your Personal Data in our records for verification purposes. You may access and review all of your Personal Data held by us in person at our corporate offices located at the address given in contact us section;
  • request the correction of your Personal Data in our records in the event the information is inaccurate, misleading, out-of-date or incomplete upon validation and verification of the new information provided in person at our corporate offices located at the address given in contact us section;